Where is teemo from

Emberknife Refillable Potion. Recurve Bow. Sorcerer's Shoes. Berserker's Greaves. Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny. Show All.

None Low Ok Strong Ideal. Extreme Threats. Ideal Synergies. Ideal Strong Ok Low None. Teemo counters well. Teemo gets countered. This Guide is updated to Check out the rest for all the details and specific items : Hey!

I'm Manco. I have been playing Teemo Jungle since season 4, but have finally figured it all out, hit Challenger and am ready to share my knowledge with the world!

I try my best to stay positive and friendly in-game, which is especially needed if you are going to give Teemo Jungle a whirl. As league of legends evolves from season to season the JUNGLE role has more game impact early on than all other roles and for someone like me, that has always intrigued me.

Teemo's abilities are very easy to understand, hard to master. Between the careful placement of your Noxious Trap , carefully timing your Blinding Dart , or calculating your damage from Toxic Shot precisely, it will take some practice and finesse! This rune is extremely undervalued. This helps secure many kills and helps you pop off and win those teamfights. Again, paired with Triumph and your kit -this all brings it together.

Eyeball Collection is an easy concept. Teemo's range is which is on the shorter end, he's an in your face champion, thus making Rav Hunter a necessity. Older builds included gunblade, but now we get all of the healing for 0g instead of g!

Popular Runes that I don't like and why:. With having to build. It is undoubtedly the most efficient, and balancing being able to gank well with having the right amount of farm, check it out below! This will help you decide what to farm, and when to farm it - what to gank, and when to gank it. An old saying goes: 1 Pink Ward a base keeps the invades away. I like to rotate my control ward based on the game, but usually there are a couple KEY spots. Teamfighting as Teemo is difficult at first, but becomes easier with this knowledge.

Teemo possesses an insane amount of damage, as long as you know how to use it. With any off meta pick you can expect sometimes people won't understand that you're there to help your team win. Remember to keep your head up and never stop improving. Teemo's Top Items Nashor's Tooth. Demonic Embrace. Teemo's Top Runes. Follow Twitter YouTube Twitch. Cast Your Vote Today! Join MFN. Teemo's bread and butter passive. Because of the extra attack speed your ideal strategy is to use this while taking buffs.

Execute the stealth properly for bonus burst damage or a sneaky get away. How to use: If a lane is pushed, sneak into the lane via the bushes, and execute a gank with your laner for a successful kill. Also, stealth in a lane where creeps don't see you, and rack in a free B. Tales of Runeterra League Animation Workshop. Lux Warmother Zed. League of Legends. Champions List of champions Free champion rotation.

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History Talk 0. Do you like this video? Active : Teemo gains double his passive movement speed and does not lose it if he is struck for 3 seconds. When any enemy steps on the trap it detonates dealing magic damage over time and slowing any enemies caught in the blast for 4 seconds.

If multiple traps are triggered in short duration the poison does not stack, the duration is refreshed. Traps last for 10 minutes. Teemo gains one every several seconds to a maximum of 3.

Charge time is affected by cooldown reduction. After death Teemo will spawn with 2 traps. Tweet Clean. Cancel Update. What size image should we insert?

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