Who is the mayor of neenah wisconsin

Kaufert said he supports the efforts of Be Safe Wisconsin. He pointed to an advisory that he issued to Neenah residents on Oct. Post-Crescent reporter Duke Behnke answers your questions about local government. Send questions to dbehnke gannett. A schedule of meetings and the agendas are posted on our homepage, in city hall and at the library.

Subscribe News Events Facebook. Office Hours: Monday — Thursday am — pm Friday am — pm. Explore Neenah. City of Neenah Government Office of the Mayor. Share this Friday a. Goals and responsibilities are as follows: Mobilizes support in the community to address city needs. Who would have guessed that we would be facing a pandemic of proportions unseen for over years at this time last year? As the virus began its spread, every department was involved in our response. We provided guidance and COVID messages to residents, businesses, churches, schools, and assisted living facilities to lower risk.

We helped our businesses receive federal aid, delayed tax payments, constructed safety shields, maintained essential services, developed virtual options, and ensured mail in ballots went out. We should all be proud of the way everyone pulled together to provide a bit of normalcy.


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