Community subscriber. Email Me. Notify Me. Update avatar. Browse or drag an image. File must be at least xpx and less than xpx. GeForce Forums. Join Now or Login. All Topics. Feature Requests. Sort by. Topics details. GeForce Graphics Cards. By Recency Recency Votes Hot. Filters 2. Update avatar. Browse or drag an image. File must be at least xpx and less than xpx. GeForce Forums. Join Now or Login.
All Topics. Feature Requests. Sort by. Topics details. Game-Ready Drivers. By Recency Recency Votes Hot. Filters 2. Mark as read. Announcing GeForce Hotfix Driver GeForce Black Screen while playing games. Latest drivers not working properly on GTX This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.
Do I need to install Game Ready Driver updates? Search Join Now Login. Sort By. Notification Preferences. Forum Actions. Report Post. Nope not at all. In fact; it's typically NOT recommended to update unless there is an issue with your current driver pack which specifically marked as "fixed" in the newer driver.
So if you are not experiencing any issues Thank you so much for the help! I will uninstall the GeForce Experience. So then how will I get a notice if there is a new driver that may fix a previous issue? Would I just go to the Nvidia web site and check for drivers for my graphics card? Yes There is a tab at the top of this page named "Drivers". Thanks for your advice. Sp much appreciated! I always do check for any added optional junk that may come with updates.
I was also wondering if I need the game ready driver. I mainly do video editing. Now I have downloaded the Game Ready Driver and am wondering if this driver is going hinder anything because I don't need it. I have a GTX 6gb and a windows 10 with 16 gigs of ram. There are 6 Nvidea applications.