Related: Learn About Being a Buyer. A purchaser also makes purchases on behalf of their organization, however, the purchases these professionals conduct typically include supplies and materials necessary for business operations. Purchasers, or purchasing agents, evaluate, select and buy products that their companies use for daily processes rather than for resale to consumers. For instance, a purchaser for a large manufacturing firm may often be in charge of the selection and purchase of manufacturing equipment or parts, office supplies and shipping materials.
These items are necessary for the company to operate efficiently but aren't goods the company resells to consumers. This means that purchasers often work in a business-to-business capacity, where they buy products from other businesses to support their companies' growth and development. Purchasing agents may often perform many of the following job duties:. Consider some of the differences between a buyer and a purchaser to help you choose the best career path for you:. The biggest difference between a buyer and a purchaser is usually the job role each professional fulfills.
Buyers mainly specialize in the procurement of goods for their companies to sell to consumers, whereas purchasing agents usually find and purchase materials and supplies their companies need in order to produce goods and services. A buyer analyzes consumer markets to determine what products their organizations should sell and finds goods their companies can resell.
These professionals consider the wholesale costs, retail value and potential revenue of the products they purchase. Conversely, a purchaser may be responsible for a broad range of job functions that support their companies' manufacturing processes.
They source low-cost raw materials, resources, supplies and equipment that their organizations need to operate and to produce goods and services. Many buyers work in the retail industry, where they evaluate and select specific items for their companies to resell to consumers. Products like electronics, clothing, home accessories and other retail items are typically the goods buyers look for to purchase for their organizations.
Purchasing agents may also work in the retail industry, however, these professionals can also find employment in other job sectors like medical and health care, education and construction and manufacturing.
For instance, a purchasing agent for a large medical facility may be in charge of selecting and purchasing medical and health care supplies as the facility runs low on necessary resources. The income level can also differ between buyers and purchasing agents. These salary averages can vary, though, depending on the industry, employer and location where buyers and purchasers work.
Although there is a salary difference between the two roles, both buyers and purchasers can have opportunities to advance in their careers and increase their earning potential. Purchasing managers develop relationships with suppliers and supply-chain partners to decrease direct costs while continually improving the quality of materials and inventory. A single buyer can have more than one purchasing manager, and managers can come and go within the same company.
Purchasing assistants perform the routine tasks required to facilitate purchases. Purchasing assistants fill out paperwork to place orders, call suppliers to check on shipments, schedule telephone and in-person meetings for purchasing managers and maintain thorough purchasing records. A purchasing assistant can also act as a liaison between purchasing managers and the rest of the accounting department, passing reports on purchasing activities to company accountants to maintain timely and reliable records.
The purchasing assistant position is a step below the purchasing manager job, creating clear career paths for aspiring purchasing assistants. What is the difference between Purchaser and Buyer? Anonymous What is the difference between Purchaser and Buyer? Mister Micawber. I typed "what is the difference between purchaser and buyer" into Google, and one technical difference was mentioned several times, namely that in the business world a "buyer" is buying to sell on to other people, whereas a "purchaser" is buying for internal use within the company.
Teachers: We supply a list of EFL job vacancies. GPY in the business world a "buyer" is buying to sell on to other people, whereas a "purchaser" is buying for internal use within the company. Yet in many Am businesses at least, companies have 'buyers' for materials needed.
Site Hint: Check out our list of pronunciation videos. Buyers and purchasing agents buy goods and services for their company. Those who buy finished goods, such as clothes or furniture, are called buyers.
Those who buy the parts and materials that help make goods are called purchasing agents or purchasers. These two types of workers have similar duties. Buyers and purchasers research suppliers before buying any goods. Buyers and purchasing agents review the history and quality of the suppliers.
They go to trade shows to see products on display. Sometimes they travel to factories to examine products. They evaluate suppliers based on factors such as:.