If it is urgent, the technicians will take extra steps to protect your baby during this test. Let your doctor know if you are breastfeeding because radiation can pass into your breast milk. You may want to pump and save enough breast milk for one to two days after your test, or you may bottle-feed your baby for that time.
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Lung VQ Scan. A lung VQ scan is an imaging test that uses a ventilation V scan to measure air flow in your lungs and a perfusion Q scan to see where blood flows in your lungs. More Information. Related Health Topics Arrhythmia.
It travels through your blood and into the lungs. Pictures from this scan can show areas of the lungs that aren't getting enough blood. Why It Is Done A lung scan is done to: Find a blood clot that is preventing normal blood flow to part of a lung. Check the flow of blood or air through the lungs. See which parts of the lungs are working and which are damaged. This is often done before lung surgery to remove parts of the lung.
How To Prepare Before your lung scan, tell your doctor if: You are or might be pregnant. You are breastfeeding. The radioactive tracer used in this test can get into your breast milk. Do not breastfeed your baby for 1 or 2 days after this test. During this time, you can give your baby breast milk you stored before the test, or you can give formula. Don't use the breast milk you pump for the 1 or 2 days after the test.
Throw it out. You may be asked to sign a consent form. How It Is Done You will need to take off any jewellery that might interfere with the scan. Ventilation scan For the ventilation scan, a mask will be placed over your mouth and nose. Perfusion scan For the perfusion scan, a small amount of the radioactive tracer is injected into your arm. How It Feels Breathing through the mask during the ventilation scan may be uncomfortable, especially if you feel very short of breath. Risks Allergic reactions to the radioactive tracer are very rare.
Results A lung scan is a type of nuclear scanning test. Lung scan Normal: The radioactive tracer is evenly distributed throughout the lungs during ventilation and perfusion. Abnormal: The ventilation scan is abnormal, but the perfusion scan is normal. The results are most often reported in one the following ways: Normal. The results do not show any problem with your lungs.
Low probability. The results show that the likelihood of a blood clot is low. Your doctor may feel that you need more tests. Indeterminate or intermediate probability. The lung scan results show it is possible that you have a blood clot.
More tests may be needed. High probability. The results show a high likelihood of a blood clot. Your doctor will give you medicine to treat the clot. What Affects the Test You may not be able to have the test, or the results may not be helpful, if: You are pregnant. The radiation from a lung scan could harm the baby. You're not able to stay still during the test. You're not able to breathe through the mask or tube.
You have a medical condition that involves the lungs or heart, such as pulmonary edema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD.
What To Think About Checking for a blood clot in your leg deep venous thrombosis can help your doctor decide if you are at high risk for having one in your lung. The doctor will ask about your medical history and do a physical examination to learn your risk level for deep leg vein thrombosis. Then an ultrasound is usually done. The scans help diagnose different lung conditions, including a pulmonary embolism PE.
A PE is a life-threatening blockage in an artery in the lungs. It usually happens when a blood clot in another part of the body breaks loose and travels to the lungs. Many people with a PE don't have symptoms. These include:. You may be getting a ventilation scan or a perfusion scan, or you may get both scans.
If you are getting both, one scan will be done right after the other. Only a small amount of radioactive substance is used, and all of the radiation leaves the body within a few days. So be sure to tell your provider if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant Also, tell your provider if you are breastfeeding , because the tracer may contaminate your breast milk.
If you are diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism PE , your treatment may include medicines such as blood thinners , which help prevent clots from forming, or clot busters, which help dissolve clots quickly. The information on this site should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care or advice. Contact a health care provider if you have questions about your health.
The tests are: A ventilation scan, which measures how air moves in and out of your lungs A perfusion scan, which measures circulation how blood flows in the lungs The two scans may be done separately or together. What is it used for? It may also be used to: Find problems with blood flow in the lungs Check lung function before lung surgery Test lung function in people with certain lung diseases, such as COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , a disease that causes coughing , wheezing, and shortness of breath.