This is in regards to literal chapstick, before anyone jumps my case. A child accidentally ingesting chapstick once will not kill them or make them sick. Keep chapsticks out of reach, especially those round ones like Eos because they look especially delicious to small children. Eos lip balms are just too darn adorable! Some of the ingredients can actually dry out the lips —menthol, camphor, and phenol— that gives the tingling sensation. This reaction is actually one of the reasons why people become hooked on lip balm.
Unfortunately for those of us who pick up packs of this classic and been-around-forever lip balm, Chapstick is likely making your lips worse. When it comes to lip balms containing sunscreens and skin protectants i. If your lip balm doesn't have any SPF or sun protectant ingredients, you'll have to play detective to determine if your balm is still safe.
Anthony Youn, M. Human volunteers are used to test new products. Certain countries outside of the USA may mandate animal testing for cosmetics. Certain products do contain ingredients derived from sunflower seeds and tree nuts, for more information and to find out about specific products, please contact our Customer Care Center at Your email address will not be published.
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